This past weekend, I attended an open house of my local congressman, Congressman Eric Swalwell. Swalwell had consolidated two offices ...
Visiting My Local Congressman
I remember in my high school civics class, our teacher said that in general, children start off with their parents' ...
Raising an Advocate
As some of you know, prior to my life as a glorious SAHM, I was miserable as a financial advisor ...
Top Financial Things You Should Do After Having a Baby
Everyone knows that your parenting changes from the first baby to the last baby. Even if it's not worn out ...
How Things are Different with the 4th Baby
Welp, it's that wonderful time of year again. You know, Christmas and holidays and trees and presents and magic. Which ...
Adventures in Christmas Decorating
I am a consummate idiot. Instead of going to bed at 9pm last night, and possibly sleeping through the night ...