Hello friends! Thank you so much for your patience and forebearance with my spotty posting these past few months. The ...
I Can Still Be Surprised
Author's Note: Today's guest post is by my college buddy, JT, from the blog, Just Making Cents. Since I just ...
How to Pay for College
I have had quite a day full of mishaps with my children. I swear, they are smart kids, but also ...
Things I Didn’t Realize I Needed to Teach My Children
Before you freak out that I'm about to post another TMI pregnancy post, it's a metaphor, see? (Although, it being a ...
The Discomfort Before Birth
My mind is totally everywhere right now and while I'm sure each individual thought is snowflake-esque and definitely brilliant material ...
As many of you know, my house is a mecca of toys. Is it educational? Is it a logic puzzle? ...