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Title: 愛唱歌的青蛙 (Ai4 chang4 ge de5 qing wa)/The Frog Who Likes to Sing
ISBN: 9789575709235
Author/Illustrator: 加古里子
Publisher: 台灣東方
Level: Beginning Reader, Zhuyin, Fiction, Chapter book
Summary: A singing frog is very poor and trying to make more money. His friend is in the hospital. He tries all to do all sorts of silly things to make money and ends up turning in a bunch of criminals for reward money. He uses that money to help himself and other poor people. When he goes back to visit his friend, she is better.
Keep in mind, I did not read this book personally and am relying on Cookie Monster’s (~8) mediocre sum up of what he read.
Sample Pages:
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
5 Minute Review: Part of the Ferris Wheel set, we borrowed this from PharmGirl. I have the first five books in the set, but I never bothered buying more because I kept thinking that we had enough early chapter books. However, I was wrong but I’m glad I live close enough to PharmGirl so I can steal borrow her set.
Cookie Monster read the book in under an hour and he seemed to like it enough. I don’t know how much he understood about what was going on because he was very reluctant to summarize to me, but he did think it was amusing and was able to give me a bare bones summary.
Having not read it myself (and quite frankly, I’m not going to because EFFORT), I cannot exactly say it’s good or bad but hey. My kid liked it enough. It’s not amazing. It’s not horrible. The illustrations were interesting enough. And it was good practice for him.
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