
Impressions of My First Type-A Parent Blogging Conference

Okokok. It’s been a month and a half since I got back from my first Type-A Parent Blogging Conference in Atlanta and I am only NOW getting to writing about it. And only because Kelby Carr, the awesome organizer and woman extraordinaire, is having a final call for Type-A Conference posts. Hey, what can I say? Nothing moves me like a deadline.

So, in the interest of time and me getting this done, instead of an in-depth write up, we’ll just do this Mandarin Mama Style. (You know, with a bunch of indeterminate bullets detailing my impressions and thoughts. It ends up being cohesive. Don’t worry.)

The tl;dr version? I had a fantastic time. So much so that I’ve already signed up for Type-A Con 2015. Special thanks, again, to Lizz Porter, my junior high and high school buddy, who brought me into the fold with her recap of last year’s conference.

1) Not only did I miss my flight to Atlanta due to bad math, rain, multi-big rig accidents, and general lameness on my part, I also almost missed my flight back to SFO. REALLY?? I managed three kids by myself in Taiwan for five weeks but left to my own devices, I couldn’t make it to the airport? REALLY? I am still in shock at my utter incompetence.

2) SO IMPRESSED that there were so many people of color here! Ok, perhaps it is because we were in Atlanta, but hey! There were black folks here. And not just one or two – I want to say there were at least twenty to thirty.

I am always under the impression that The Blogosphere is white (even though I know that must not be the case). So, when I see evidence that it is not, and emphatically not, I am always chuffed.

Oddly enough, I only saw two other Asian women. Maybe it’s because we were in the South. Are there Asian people in the South? There must be, right? I thought the ATL was FULL of Asians?

3) Although I was a bit nervous in terms of what to expect, I was pleasantly surprised to see that Type-A Con was like all the conferences I’ve attended in the past. I quickly donned my old identity as a productive member of society (with a job) and sank into a life I thought I’d left behind.

4) The speakers were dynamic and engaging, the attendees were lovely and 90% women (as a former member of the financial industry, that was definitely different and incredibly refreshing), the food good, and in general, very enjoyable.

5) Mostly, what I found invaluable at the conference was twofold:

a) I am pleased to note that the information and content is nothing new to me. The theories and concepts are the same; the tools with which to apply them are merely different. My previous life working with and being mentored by marketing genius Mark Joyner has proven handy once again.

I don’t know why I’m constantly surprised. Hapa Papa thinks I’m a dork for forgetting that our internet marketing training far exceeds the average internet marketer. This sounds really arrogant, I know. But if you have never checked out Joyner’s stuff (affiliate link), you are not doing yourself any favors.

b) I realized what I don’t want and most importantly, what I do want from my blog. Honing my vision and then executing it will be my main challenges ahead. But clarity is super useful!

6) I found the SEO session by Nicole Bullock to be most useful in terms of practical, every day usage. SEO is now my friend (however much I am bumbling through it).

7) Also, even though I couldn’t get a slot for his Technology One on Ones at the conference, Peter Pollock, author of Web Hosting for Dummies (affiliate link), was sitting in front of me on the flight home. Not only did Peter give me a very informative session on the plane ride back despite him being exhausted and slightly nauseated from the flight (not from me, I hope!), he also gave me a free copy of his book!

8) Lastly, my post, Can You Get PTSD From Taking Your Kid To The Dentist, was nominated for the 2014 We Still Blog Awards(video below) I didn’t win but still got to read it at the ceremony among the eleven other nominees.

I have to say, I felt kinda awkward at first because my post was the only one that had more than its fair share of F bombs (surprising, I know). Every one else’s post was beautiful and moving and had NO swears. Ah well. At least mine was the only reading to have zero weeping!

Here are the other nominees. Please give them a read. I was proud to be in their company.

The winning post: Invisible by Desiree Miller of Stress-free, Baby!

The Field Trip by Carter Gaddis of DadScribe

Failing as Mother by Genelle Billings of The Third Boob

A Sky Full of Paper Lanterns by Deborah Cruz of The TRUTH about Motherhood

My Personal Favorite: At My Mother’s Knee by Janice Wilberg of Red’s Wrap

Bright Lights and Brothels by Roo Ciambriello of Semiproper

Because Life Isn’t Fair, Amanda by Amanda Henson of It’s Me, Amanda

Death, Organ and Tissue Donation, and Grief by Heather Solos of Home Ec 101

Motherless Children by Michael Wickey of A Bug and a Bee (for some reason, the link is not working)

Fat Girl on a Hot Day by AJ Feuerman of Confessions of a Fat Girl

And here is my reading of my post:


Virginia Duan is the entertainment editor for "Mochi Magazine," a freelance writer, and an Asian American author who writes stories full of rage and grief with biting humor and glimpses of grace. She spends most of her days plotting her next book or article, shuttling her children about, participating in more group chats than humanly possible, and daydreaming about BTS a totally normal amount.


  1. Thank you! By the way, your post brought tears to my eyes …. remembering wrangling three kids to the pediatrician and having one of them start an insurrection against getting shots. Unbelievable.:) I hope we get a chance to chat at the 2015 Type A. I’m coming back, too. 🙂

    • Thank you! I bet you’re glad there are no more shot insurrections! (What a great word.) Yay about 2015! Can’t wait!

  2. SO F’ING AWESOME! You rocked your reading! The idea of reading my words in front of an audience terrifies me. I’m so very impressed. Glad you got to getaway and miss your kids. (I swear that’s half the reason to go to a blogging conference—they should put that in their marketing materials.)

    • Thanks, Amy! I think you would kick so much ass at a reading. 🙂 You’re right. Being away from kids would be a major selling point. Lol.

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