
11 Things I Learned at Mom 2.018

I can’t believe it’s been 5 days since I got back from Mom 2.0.

Honestly, I’m a little underwhelmed at how I’ve performed since I’ve returned. I was expecting a little more from myself.

Instead, I’ve been in a brain fog. (I guess I’ve been sick, bleeding from my vagina, and oh yeah, momming and bilingual homeschooling my four children.)

I thought I would be better.

Mom 2.0 was everything I hoped it would be. And yet, here I am. 5 days later. With very little to show from it.

Mom 2.0

I have crawled into a cave, sleeping early, zoning out on games, reading, watching TV aimlessly, and phoning in my writing. (Oh wait, I didn’t write at all.)

However, I’ve given myself 5 days to wallow and now, I’m shaking myself out of it. I’ve revived my Daily 15 and am forcing myself to write. After all. I’m a writer. I NEED TO WRITE.

[socialpug_tweet tweet=”I am not a friendly person in person. I think it’s because I don’t know what to do with my hands. Yes. Let’s blame it on the hands. #mom2summit #networking #asianblogger #awkward” display_tweet=”I am not a friendly person in person. I think it’s because I don’t know what to do with my hands. Yes. Let’s blame it on the hands.”]

So, without further ado, here are a non-zero number of things I learned from Mom 2.0.

1) I need more champagne in my life.

The Dove Suite was my favorite. They knew how to pamper us moms!

2) Taye Diggs LOVES my name and thinks I look beautiful in blue. (We’re getting married.)

Taye Diggs

3) My friend, Lizz, who I have known since junior high, told me I’m more fun with champagne constantly in my system. I was a little insulted. I didn’t realize I had such a stick up my ass. (I know, I know. That’s not what she meant.)

But I need to somehow chase that feeling. That semi-buzz of floating enjoyment. Of not really caring how I sound and just letting myself be goofy and silly and friendly.

I am not a friendly person in person. I think it’s because I don’t know what to do with my hands.

Yes. Let’s blame it on the hands.

4) Each day, I attended a session that was worth the price of admission.

[socialpug_tweet tweet=”@Mom2summit was everything I thought it would be and more. I already bought tickets for 2019 in Austin. #mom2summit #asianblogger #bloggerlife #momboss” display_tweet=”Mom 2.0 was everything I thought it would be and more. I already bought tickets for 2019 in Austin.”]

Day 1 was LaShawn Wiltz’s Instagram session and before it was even over, I was begging to throw my money at her to buy her Instagram Report. I just received it and it’s worth every single penny.

Day 2 was Joanna Venditti and Amanda Muse’s 90 minute deep dive on YouTube and how to use YouTube to tell stories. My brain almost exploded.

Day 3 was a presentation by the Product Manager and Lead Engineers of Pinterest. Yes. THE Pinterest.

See a theme, here? I’m trying to up my visual game this year. I feel all sorts of pressure to get this right ALL RIGHT NOW. But it’s not true. I just need to go slow and steady. (I keep telling this to myself, maybe I will believe it.)

5) I need to read more of Brene Brown’s stuff. Her keynote totally stole from my posts and I’m super happy about it because this means we’re BOTH geniuses and clearly, I need more of her wisdom in my life, if only to improve my life. I tend to listen to other people more than I listen to myself.

6) Going into a conference with written and specific goals is much better than my usual method. (Confer point 1.) I’m pleased with myself (but also, I want to goad myself into more action). Time to follow up!

Mom 2.0 swag
Look at all this awesome SWAG!! Munchkin, Plum Organics, Larabar, Carter’s, BYU TV, OshKosh, Dove, Rocky Mountain Oils, Mamma Mia, MakingItMoms, Amazon Prime

7) I have a color palette! I mean, these were items I already owned, but until this past weekend, I didn’t realize just how much I loved those colors and how much I owned and that I have a style outside of yoga pants and snarky tees.

Also, I got to wear my new skirt from Stitch Fix. I have always wanted to try them and they were having a special for Mom 2.0 attendees where they waived the $20 fee so of COURSE I tried them.

Of course, because it’s MY life, I somehow got a pen mark on it. Sigh.

8) I have reached the point where I’m not going to learn too many new things. (This is not a diss on the speakers.) I’m at the point where I need to start APPLYING the things I know or learn.

I can learn all the new things in the world but if I don’t get off my duff and DO them, it’s a waste of my time and money.

9) It’s nice to see my blogging friends in real life. Also, I didn’t realize there would be so little time to see my blogging friends in real life. 2.5 days sounds like a really long time, but it really isn’t.

10) I’m glad I didn’t attend until now. I wasn’t ready.

[socialpug_tweet tweet=”Going into a conference with written and specific goals is much better than my usual method. #mom2summit #goals #asianblogger” display_tweet=”Going into a conference with written and specific goals is much better than my usual method.”]

If I went previous years, I’m almost positive I would have left the conference feeling discouraged and like an imposter of the highest degree. I would have used it as an excuse to stay small and hidden.

But this year, this year, I was actively making my writing and blog a business (and succeeding at doing so). This year, I had goals and was hitting them so this year was the perfect year to start.

No excuses.

After all, didn’t Lizz and I already get a Kia for the road trip there and back?

Kia booth
Me at the Kia booth.


Dove hourwithher
I truly had such a wonderful time at the Dove Breakfast. I really found the diversity of the breakfast to be refreshing. Plus, discovering so many other women who had the same struggles of preserving the minority language and keeping their culture alive in their families – that was lovely.

11) I need more champagne in my life. This lesson is worth repeating. Not only the alcoholic content but that free, relaxed feeling.

As usual, I have a hard time ending posts so we’ll just end with this: Mom 2.0 was everything I thought it would be and more. I already bought tickets for 2019 in Austin.

Mom 2.0 balloons

Thanks for following along as I grow.


Virginia Duan is the entertainment editor for "Mochi Magazine," a freelance writer, and an Asian American author who writes stories full of rage and grief with biting humor and glimpses of grace. She spends most of her days plotting her next book or article, shuttling her children about, participating in more group chats than humanly possible, and daydreaming about BTS a totally normal amount.

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