I can’t believe it’s been 5 days since I got back from Mom 2.0.
Honestly, I’m a little underwhelmed at how I’ve performed since I’ve returned. I was expecting a little more from myself.
Instead, I’ve been in a brain fog. (I guess I’ve been sick, bleeding from my vagina, and oh yeah, momming and bilingual homeschooling my four children.)
I thought I would be better.
Mom 2.0 was everything I hoped it would be. And yet, here I am. 5 days later. With very little to show from it.
I have crawled into a cave, sleeping early, zoning out on games, reading, watching TV aimlessly, and phoning in my writing. (Oh wait, I didn’t write at all.)
However, I’ve given myself 5 days to wallow and now, I’m shaking myself out of it. I’ve revived my Daily 15 and am forcing myself to write. After all. I’m a writer. I NEED TO WRITE.
[socialpug_tweet tweet=”I am not a friendly person in person. I think it’s because I don’t know what to do with my hands. Yes. Let’s blame it on the hands. #mom2summit #networking #asianblogger #awkward” display_tweet=”I am not a friendly person in person. I think it’s because I don’t know what to do with my hands. Yes. Let’s blame it on the hands.”]
So, without further ado, here are a non-zero number of things I learned from Mom 2.0.
1) I need more champagne in my life.

2) Taye Diggs LOVES my name and thinks I look beautiful in blue. (We’re getting married.)
3) My friend, Lizz, who I have known since junior high, told me I’m more fun with champagne constantly in my system. I was a little insulted. I didn’t realize I had such a stick up my ass. (I know, I know. That’s not what she meant.)
But I need to somehow chase that feeling. That semi-buzz of floating enjoyment. Of not really caring how I sound and just letting myself be goofy and silly and friendly.
I am not a friendly person in person. I think it’s because I don’t know what to do with my hands.
Yes. Let’s blame it on the hands.
4) Each day, I attended a session that was worth the price of admission.
[socialpug_tweet tweet=”@Mom2summit was everything I thought it would be and more. I already bought tickets for 2019 in Austin. #mom2summit #asianblogger #bloggerlife #momboss” display_tweet=”Mom 2.0 was everything I thought it would be and more. I already bought tickets for 2019 in Austin.”]
Day 1 was LaShawn Wiltz’s Instagram session and before it was even over, I was begging to throw my money at her to buy her Instagram Report. I just received it and it’s worth every single penny.
Day 2 was Joanna Venditti and Amanda Muse’s 90 minute deep dive on YouTube and how to use YouTube to tell stories. My brain almost exploded.
Day 3 was a presentation by the Product Manager and Lead Engineers of Pinterest. Yes. THE Pinterest.
See a theme, here? I’m trying to up my visual game this year. I feel all sorts of pressure to get this right ALL RIGHT NOW. But it’s not true. I just need to go slow and steady. (I keep telling this to myself, maybe I will believe it.)
5) I need to read more of Brene Brown’s stuff. Her keynote totally stole from my posts and I’m super happy about it because this means we’re BOTH geniuses and clearly, I need more of her wisdom in my life, if only to improve my life. I tend to listen to other people more than I listen to myself.
6) Going into a conference with written and specific goals is much better than my usual method. (Confer point 1.) I’m pleased with myself (but also, I want to goad myself into more action). Time to follow up!

7) I have a color palette! I mean, these were items I already owned, but until this past weekend, I didn’t realize just how much I loved those colors and how much I owned and that I have a style outside of yoga pants and snarky tees.
Also, I got to wear my new skirt from Stitch Fix. I have always wanted to try them and they were having a special for Mom 2.0 attendees where they waived the $20 fee so of COURSE I tried them.
Of course, because it’s MY life, I somehow got a pen mark on it. Sigh.
8) I have reached the point where I’m not going to learn too many new things. (This is not a diss on the speakers.) I’m at the point where I need to start APPLYING the things I know or learn.
I can learn all the new things in the world but if I don’t get off my duff and DO them, it’s a waste of my time and money.
9) It’s nice to see my blogging friends in real life. Also, I didn’t realize there would be so little time to see my blogging friends in real life. 2.5 days sounds like a really long time, but it really isn’t.
10) I’m glad I didn’t attend until now. I wasn’t ready.
[socialpug_tweet tweet=”Going into a conference with written and specific goals is much better than my usual method. #mom2summit #goals #asianblogger” display_tweet=”Going into a conference with written and specific goals is much better than my usual method.”]
If I went previous years, I’m almost positive I would have left the conference feeling discouraged and like an imposter of the highest degree. I would have used it as an excuse to stay small and hidden.
But this year, this year, I was actively making my writing and blog a business (and succeeding at doing so). This year, I had goals and was hitting them so this year was the perfect year to start.
No excuses.
After all, didn’t Lizz and I already get a Kia for the road trip there and back?

11) I need more champagne in my life. This lesson is worth repeating. Not only the alcoholic content but that free, relaxed feeling.
As usual, I have a hard time ending posts so we’ll just end with this: Mom 2.0 was everything I thought it would be and more. I already bought tickets for 2019 in Austin.
Thanks for following along as I grow.
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