SADNESS!! How can I just have six eating days left? Fleur and I are pretty much just dragging Hapa Papa around to our favorite places and forcing him to eat stuff and hold our bags as we spend way too much money on Taiwanese stationery, pens, and DVDs.
Here we go! Off to the updates. (A shorter one today because we have limited eating time.)
1) Arcades here are awesome! And the rides last so long Cookie Monster wants to get off before it’s done.
2) First full day with Hapa Papa was fun but also hard. Starting out for adventures seemed so great until I forgot to bring money, ran back home to get some, and then lost my bus card (with $15USD on it!) in rapid succession. Hapa Papa mocked me and said, “It’s Week 5!” I say his presence threw off my game and it’s all his fault.
3) The kids were all super tired after a long, hard day of playing at Kidsburgh, and poor Glow Worm barely napped so as a result, it took him forever to fall asleep at night. Of course, because we all share a room, that meant that every time he was almost out, Cookie Monster would burst in the room and wake the poor little guy up again. I swear I almost committed bodily injury against Cookie Monster. I know he just wants to spend time with me and have my attention, but OMG GAH!
It was so sweet though. For some reason, Gamera is convinced that if she sings, Glow Worm stops crying. And it usually works. Really cute. Currently, she just sings one line of “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” in Chinese. Then when Glow Worm stops crying, she is so proud and says it’s because he loves her and her singing.
4) I may have mentioned it before, but it bears repeating. When I do my Gamera voice, she sounds like Miss Piggy. That’s because Gamera sounds like Miss Piggy.
5) I was so wrong. Turns out, it is Cookie Monster who has forgotten how to walk and begs Hapa Papa to carry him. I think a lot of it is because Bebe keeps wanting Hapa Papa to hold her hand and Cookie Monster is jealous and possessive. Bebe misses her dad and my guess is that Hapa Papa being here reminds her of it.
Because the kids had been doing so well, I didn’t really think anything of it, but now that I do, I suspect the kids have missed their fathers more than we thought. It makes me feel even sadder for kids who don’t have their dads around.
6) We have purchased SO MANY Chinese DVDs. I even threw in a few Kung Fu movies for myself. Heehee. You know, for my education.
7) We went to another kids’ place yesterday called Fun Kids Fun and we liked it much better than Kidsburgh. It seemed less crazy. Plus, everything is adorable! You can pay by the hour or by the day. The kids loved it. I think they may have liked it more than Kidsburgh.
Alright. Fleur and I have to figure out where to go shovel food into our gaping maws. Have a great day!
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