Learn Chinese for Kids

I’ve Been Profiled!

Friends, this week, my dreams of being internet famous are in full effect. Whoooo!

Anyhow, if you have ever been curious about how I homeschool in Chinese (or at all), I’m featured on Guavarama‘s blog today. She has a new series profiling Chinese homeschoolers and I’m her inaugural profile. WHOOOOOO!

So, please. Give me (and Guavarama) some love by going to her post: Homeschooler Profile: Outsourcing Schooling.


Virginia Duan is the entertainment editor for "Mochi Magazine," a freelance writer, and an Asian American author who writes stories full of rage and grief with biting humor and glimpses of grace. She spends most of her days plotting her next book or article, shuttling her children about, participating in more group chats than humanly possible, and daydreaming about BTS a totally normal amount.

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