At least once a year, (more so if I happen upon a traumatic headline or read a book based on the Holocaust or something), I mentally freak out and start going down the Prepper rabbit hole and worry about the zombie apocalypse and completely go nuts Googling for random survivor gear.
I have posted about it at least once or twice before. And though I know that this irrational response to finding seed banks, buying shotguns, having a year’s supply of water, and purchasing survivor gear is merely my control freak’s way of coping with fear and uncertainty, I also know that it is important to be prepared given that we live in Earthquake country.
However, one thing my deep dive into the Prepper craziness has taught me is that all this stuff is completely overwhelming and that very overwhelmingness causes many of us to do nothing.
For instance, all I have is an Emergency supply kit for a family of four that I bought off of I also have some water purifying straws (affiliate link) that I broke down and bought when they were a lightning deal one day on Amazon. I also have some water supplies, but other than that, my stuff is all over the house in random places.
Plus, I am worried that I am buying redundant items and wasting money, but you know what? Sometimes, I think it’s good just to have it and buy it again, even knowing that it’s redundant.
So, I’m curious, dear readers.
1) How many of you have emergency kits/supplies for all family members?
2) Do you also have Bug Out Bags?
3) Do you have bare minimum of things or have you gone all Survivalist?
4) How often do you swap out your supplies?
5) Do you own a backup generator?
6) Where do you store your stuff?
7) Do you have comparable bags/supplies in your cars?
Many of you who are friends on Facebook will recognize the questions. But I would love to hear from you again (as well as if you’re interested in me posting a series on my findings).
I have decided that putting together everything all at once will overwhelm me entirely. (Although, really. When am I ever just whelmed?) So instead, I am going to make sure I do something emergency supply/kit related once a month. (See? I apply Dr. T’s advice!)
Would this be something that would interest you as a reader? And would it be helpful? (Since hopefully, it would also inspire/goad/provide an easily actionable item for you?)
Let me know what you think. (Yes, yes. Super short post today. But truthfully, if I get started down this road too long I will just panic.)
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