I have had quite a day full of mishaps with my children. I swear, they are smart kids, but also extremely dumb. If we were early on in the evolutionary chain, humankind would have died out.
Our branch would have come to an immediate and abrupt end. And it would be deserved. Utterly and totally deserved.
Is it sad to say that my kids would win the Darwin Awards? Or some other awful kids do the darndest things awards?
Here then, are some of the things it never occurred to me to tell my kids NOT to do.
Clearly, the fault is all mine.
1) Don’t stick your finger in your butthole and then put your finger into your mouth.
2) Don’t push your sibling off a five foot retaining wall.
3) Stop shoving your finger into your butthole and finish your bath.
4) Don’t draw all over the piano keys. Oh, and the bookshelf. And the books on the bookshelf. And the wall. And the carpet. And the window sill.
In fact, please only draw on paper. BLANK PAPER. No, not your homework.
No, not your siblings’ homework, either.
5) Don’t dump Elmer’s glue all over the carpet.
6) Don’t jump from the couch to the rocking chair. For God’s sake, please stop jumping onto the rocking chair.
7) Don’t climb the toy kitchen. It will topple over. In fact, please stop climbing everything in the house. I don’t feel as if I should have to bolt down every item in my house.
8) Don’t crawl into the washing machine.
9) Don’t sit on my face with your naked butt. Sit on Papa’s face instead.
10) Don’t poke holes into a brand new Amazon box with pencils. Especially when the box is full of air/heater filters.
Hmmm… after reviewing this list, I realize that the main one I didn’t expect to say was the first one. After that, I get it. My kids are just kids. Stupid and not really good at figuring out natural consequences from their actions. But the first point? THAT SHOULD BE OBVIOUS.