I meant to only go to YouTube to play a particular KPop song and then, somehow, got sucked down the rabbit hole of watching classical musicians react to kpop.
It is awesome.
[clickToTweet tweet=”I know the internet jokes about “thirst” but in my case, my eyes are #thirsty for Asians – and in particular, #Asianmen.” quote=”I know the internet jokes about “thirst” but in my case, my eyes are thirsty for Asians – and in particular, Asian men.” theme=”style1″]
I know I’m late to the kpop bandwagon, but a few years ago, I started hearing them playing in the bubble tea cafe I frequented to write. I really liked the music while at the cafe, but it never occurred to me to look them up on my own and listen to them.
Then, a few months ago, I finally saw a few videos at a different cafe and I was hooked. The dancing suckered me in and I knew my kids would love it, so I couldn’t wait to show my children.
My children LOVE kpop. LOVE.
The dancing is crisp and clean and so fantastic. The music is great. But the thing I love the most? They’re Korean.
Mostly, I have the kids watch the boy bands because I’m not as much of a fan of the “cute” sexy look that kpop bands do. I guess I like it better than the over sexy of American pop stars, but I really dislike the coy, hard to get type of sexy that Asian girl bands perpetuate.
It seems dishonest to me. Like, they can’t own their sexiness, so the women have to pretend to be cute, but it’s actually sexy.
I can’t explain it.
But it bothers my feminism.
However, I totally admit that it could just be me imposing my Western sensibilities – kinda like when Western women want to “liberate” Muslim women from wearing a veil.
Anyhow, back to the boy bands because I know very little about the girl bands. (I suppose I know very little about the boy bands, too. But I have spent hours listening to them and watching their music videos, so I guess, the little I know is still more than what I know of the girls.)
OMG, just get to the point already, Mandarin Mama.
Okokokokok. Why I love kpop bands.
1) The men are sooooo pretty.
I mean, I can’t overemphasize. They’re SO pretty. Their makeup is on point. Their clothes are androgynous. Their hair is so cool.
Quite frankly, I can’t decide whether I want to date them or be them.
Ok. I confess. They’re too young for me. I don’t want to have the sexy time (or even talk to) children. However, I would kill to be so adept at makeup and I want their hair.
Have I mentioned that I’m totally into the androgynous look?
2) It re-tunes my eyes for what is attractive.
I know the internet jokes about “thirst” but in my case, my eyes are thirsty for Asians – and in particular, Asian men.
Many of my friends watch Kdramas for the express purpose of seeing attractive Korean men. And if I had any sort of tolerance for romantic nonsense, I would watch them, too. Until then, I will just have to make do with my love for excellent dancing.
I love seeing Asian men and this particular brand of attractiveness. It’s a good example to my children to see how wide the spectrum is for humans – and that there are many ways to dress and be and look.
3) The dancing!!!
I love dancing and Kpop’s style of dancing combine my favorite parts of hip hop and the crisp, clean lines that Asian dance groups have leaned towards.
It’s inspiring.
4) My kids love them.
Especially Glow Worm (4) and Cookie Monster (8). They can’t stop watching the videos and singing the songs and copying the movies. It’s ADORABLE.
This is their favorite called Mic Drop by BTS. I cannot play this song without the boys dancing and singing along. Glow Worm’s favorite part is the slow bridge where it turns black and white and the cars look like they’re paintings.
Gamera’s favorite is Just Right by Got7.
Their other favorite is DNA by BTS.
And my favorite group is EXO. Pretty much any non-ballad is my favorite. Perhaps their most impressive video is for Mama. Of course, I like them the most because they also have Mandarin and Japanese versions!
[clickToTweet tweet=”I can’t decide whether I want to date the male #kpop stars or be them. Except they’re too young for me. I don’t want to have the sexy time (or even talk to) children. However, I would kill to look like them. #androgyny #momgoals” quote=”Quite frankly, I can’t decide whether I want to date them or be them. Ok. I confess. They’re too young for me. I don’t want to have the sexy time (or even talk to) children. However, I would kill to be so adept at makeup and I want their hair.”]
And of course, my favorite emo song, If You Do by Got7.
5) One more video you need to see.
You must watch this particular video! Especially for the musical reactions. Smart musicians talking about Kpop. I super dig it. (When the musicians talk about cluster chords, I die. I die!!)
Alright. I’m sorry for making you all go down the kpop rabbit hole. But am I really sorry? NO. I AM NOT.
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