I know. I know.
You thought I had abandoned this blog for the ease and instant gratification of Facebook Live Videos.
As tempting as that is, I just can’t be that unedited and unscripted on a regular basis. If I produced live videos on the same schedule as I write, no one would be seeing anything live because I write deep into the dark night or on Saturday mornings. The rest of you would be busy sleeping or living your life.
Also? I think I’m funnier on screen vs in person. Apologies to all my real life friends.
Anyhow, we have been back in the Americas for twelve days. TWELVE DAYS. And other than one Costco trip (I still need to go for this week) and some unpacking (but not ALL) and finally getting over jet lag, I have done a fat load of NOTHING.
OKOKOKOK. Not entirely true. I took the kids to parks and playdates. (My kids climbed a 30-40′ tree to the very top and I tried not to die of fear and trembling on the spot.) I actually cooked. (I MISS YOU, TAIWAN!!) And did a bjillion loads of laundry and all the random crap of life.
Still have yet to make it back to kungfu though.
And I have tried to ease the kids back into homeschooling with daily reading. We officially start Monday 8/14. It is hard, people. HARD.
The summer brain drain is real. My impatience is real.
That is the REAL kicker. That is the part of Taiwan that I always miss the most. It makes me so sad. So so so so sad.
But I am so glad we are back at our house – despite it’s cluttered mess (exacerbated by my lack of finished unpacking). I am so glad for the space we have (triple that of our apartment in Taiwan). I’m so grateful my older kids can run around and be loud and jerks but the baby will be fine upstairs asleep.
But I have been slumming it.
Hapa Papa started a new job but I haven’t yet enrolled us for benefits. Because of stupidity. I WILL SOON THOUGH. (Please don’t judge me!!)
I have been binge re-reading a favorite Regency romance spy series. (I bought her new book so OF COURSE I had to re-read all the previous books in the series. OF COURSE.)
I have been catching up with all the dance shows we missed. And now, Project Runway has started up again – which is AWESOME!!
Now that I’m in the land of expensive bubble tea, I want it all the time. (It’s a mystery to me why I never want bubble tea when I’m in Taiwan – but whatever.)
I know I should write for the blog but after over a month off, (because let’s face it, I wasn’t really writing much in June), I barely can string together coherent sentences – let alone INTERESTING sentences.
I will consider this post (and most likely, the next few weeks’ worth of posts) to be the blah you have to get out of your system before you can actually write anything worth reading.
Ohohohoh. And because I spent all this money lasering my face, (that’s a post for another day, folks – but I LASERED MY FACE), I finally started up my skincare routine again. Like after at least a year and a half of NOT DOING A DAMN THING.
And now, even after just 4-5 days of semi-consistent face care (like washing it and moisturizing and SPFing it), my face is SOFT.
My poor, moisture and care starving face.
Also also, I know that this post is just a random amalgam of thoughts loosely correlating to how mediocre of a human I am with returning to the land of the English language and all, but I AM SO GLAD TO BE SURROUNDED BY ENGLISH.
I am no longer an idiot. (Well, I suppose YMMV on that opinion.)
Anyhow. Thank you for reading the random firings of my gasping brain. It is always hard to go back to reality after any trip – but especially hard when you go from a place that took care of a lot of the worst parts of parenting (providing FOOD) to a place that you are now back to adulting.
I am terrible at adulting. But I love to write and the only way to be a writer is to write. And the only way to make it through life semi-successfully is to adult because there is no one else to do it for you.
Did I mention that I had the flu the last few days in Taiwan so it was miserable and our whole family has been rotating who is sick and that it was a really rough week or two (that included the LOOOOOONG flight home)?
Ok. I am getting sick of myself and my nonsense.
But this is my official shingle saying that I’m back! I’M BACK AND I’M NOT SORRY!!
I’ve been reading your posts for a few months now. Since you focus on Chinese learning much of the time, I wondered if you ever hear of hihilulu? I’ve been using the site informally for a few months and they’re currently funding a project on Kickstarter
https ://www.kickstarter.com/projects/582122532/hihilulu-the-personalized-platform-for-kid-to-lear?ref=email
Thought it might interest you since it provides lots of independent learning for the kids though it is screen dependent. I’ve enjoyed your posts and can relate to so many aspects.
I haven’t! Thank you. I will check it out. 🙂