This post was sponsored by Sagebooks. All opinions are mine and mine alone. 

Sometimes, I think I make my life difficult on purpose. But then, I remember that just because I am trying to teach my kids stuff, it doesn’t mean that I have to put the rest of my life on hold. After all, if I did that, then I would never have a life because I made the poor life choice of having four children in rapid succession and thus will not have free time until 2034.




I am. I just. I think I’m going to head off to the corner and cry a bit and come back, ok?

Where Are We?

Alright. I have recovered. Let us continue.

At the end of Week 10, we made up some of our lost momentum and continued through Set 3 Book 1. Week 11 started at 3.1:7 and I was hoping to hit 3.2:10 by the end of Week 12. Of course, I forgot that I was again, leaving for another blogging conference at the close of Week 12.

Why do I hate myself so much?

Not because the conference was terrible but the starting and stopping really kills my motivation and momentum.

We’ve already established I make poor decisions and I guess I wasn’t really thinking about teaching Glow Worm Sagebooks and our progress back in November 2017 when I purchased the tickets for a steal.

At least this makes me relatable? Just nod and agree with me.

Did We Do It?

Of course not. But again, we got close.

I suppose this is where I throw out the cliché of shooting for the moon and even if we miss we’ll hit a star or something stupid like that. Except, um… THERE ARE NO STARS BETWEEN US AND THE MOON AND IF WE HIT THE CLOSEST STAR WE’D HIT THE SUN AND DIE.

Hmmm. That escalated quickly.

What Happened?

It all started so auspiciously. (I sound like a fortune cookie.) I hit it out of the park during Week 11. We read Sagebooks 5 out of 7 days.


That’s like, next level awesomeness.

And then, of course, because the previous week was amazing, I thought, “Yay! Now I can just sit back and rest on my laurels and OH CRAP, IT’S WEDNESDAY AND WE HAVE ONLY DONE SAGEBOOKS ONCE AND I AM LEAVING TOMORROW AND WON’T BE BACK UNTIL SATURDAY AND OH WELL, SINCE THE WEEK IS SHOT ANYWAY, WE WON’T DO IT TODAY EITHER.”

There’s that Capslock again.

I stylistically regret nothing.

So, uh… we did pretty good and ended up at 3.2:6.

What Else?

I can’t remember if Glow Worm did that weird tonal sandhi crap again because I did not write anything of that nature in my notes and if I don’t write things down, IT NEVER HAPPENED.

Here’s my moral of the story for this session: it’s better to be consistently mediocre than to be amazing one week and then abysmal the next. First, the tonal whiplash to your life can be debilitating. Second, your kid doesn’t remember things from the awesome week and you just wasted all your BAMFness on something that is immediately erased.

I don’t make up the rules of the universe, folks. I just report them as I see it.

See you in two weeks. Let me know how you and your kid are doing with Sagebooks in the Facebook Group.