This post was sponsored by Sagebooks. All opinions are mine and mine alone. 

Once again, I am very pleased with myself. Before you call me smug, please keep in mind that I spent all summer deep in my feelings and mid-life crisis and got very little Sagebooks time in with Glow Worm (5). So to be on the other side of it – to be somewhat consistent and productive – is both satisfying and a relief.

It was Thanksgiving week for Week 15 and normally, I just throw everything out the window for holiday weeks. But somehow, I managed to keep to a somewhat regular Sagebooks reading schedule.

Where Are We?

We ended Week 14 and hit Set 3 Book 3 Lesson 10 and thus hit the halfway point of our Sagebooks Journey and it only took 44 weeks! (I am hoping that it will take less time to finish the second half because I will not be going through another mid-life crisis. I don’t know that my marriage can survive that.)

Anyhow, my goal for the end of Week 16 was to reach Set 3 Book 4 Lesson 5. That seemed doable but also, a bit optimistic considering Thanksgiving. Who knew how long the tryptophan induced coma would last?

The kids had been using a car seat as a child sized armchair. Whatever helps them read.

Did We Do It?

YES!! In fact, we SURPASSED it and ended up at 3.4:9!


Ahem, I’m waiting.

What’s that you say? I can’t demand praise every two weeks?

Look. It’s both easy and hard to keep going day after day, ok? Especially since it’s my THIRD time through. I think I should be able to coerce compliments from my loyal readership if I want to, right?

This conversation isn’t over.


What Happened?

I am pretty sure I outsourced a lot of the reading to my older kids. I even got my mother to make Glow Worm read on Thanksgiving since she was over anyway. That’s just efficient usage of time and resources.

Plus, the week after Thanksgiving, I resolved to apply myself more fully to homeschooling my children and as a result, I was very good about making sure Glow Worm read Sagebooks on a regular basis.

Sometimes, reading can be an all-hands-on-deck activity. This warms my cold, dark heart.

What Else?

Leveling up in life often requires sweat equity and I feel as if I’m earning that Chinese for my kids. I will look forward to the day when all my children can speak and read for me when we go back to Taiwan. I’m halfway there in terms of the number of my children who are mostly literate so if I can just stick to this for another decade and a half, I am hopeful.

Or, you know. 2 out of 4 ain’t bad.