
Separation Anxiety

Today is the first official day of Type A Con, a blogging conference for parents. I feel like it’s the first day of school and I’m the new girl. Thank goodness I am rooming with a blogging rock star, Lizz Porter of Am I A Funny Girl.

I know I briefly wrote about this a few posts ago, but it bears repeating. I have never been away from my children for so long. (Five days!) Just thinking about it makes me cry.

Also, it will sound mean but I am more worried about Glow Worm than Cookie Monster or Gamera. After all, they are big kids, in school half the day, and play with each other and barely pay attention to me (or I to them) unless they are in trouble or eating. But Glow Worm, he’s still a baby!! Okay, a thirteen month old baby. But still!! MY BABY.

I worry he will miss me and not know why I am gone and be sad. (OMG, I am sad just thinking about it. I have to stop myself or I will burst into tears.) I worry he will no longer want to nurse when I come back. (I have pumped a lot of milk for him just for this trip.)

Also, I am pretty tired because like an idiot (who can’t do math or account for traffic – why can’t Californians drive when it sprinkles just a little bit of rain?!), I missed my 9am flight yesterday and basically wasted the whole day at SFO and didn’t get into ATL until 11:40pm and by the time I ate (Thank God Lizz ordered me a bunch of room service so it arrived right when I did!!) and pumped milk it was 3am. Of course I was up again at 7am.

It’s been a full day but good and my face hurts from smiling. I am going to bed.

Oh, and I almost cried when I FaceTimed with the babies today. Especially watching and chatting with Glow Worm. My littlest boy!!!


And with that, I bid you good weekend.


Virginia Duan is the entertainment editor for "Mochi Magazine," a freelance writer, and an Asian American author who writes stories full of rage and grief with biting humor and glimpses of grace. She spends most of her days plotting her next book or article, shuttling her children about, participating in more group chats than humanly possible, and daydreaming about BTS a totally normal amount.


  1. While I absolutely loved the Save the Children luncheon, I can’t imagine it was a great idea to show those videos to a group of mamas who have left their children for the weekend, many of whom are leaving them for the first time.

    It was very, very nice to meet you this weekend!