I have a few half-posts brewing in the back of my mind but none of them are quite gelling. (Ok, that is being generous. Maybe 20% posts.) So, to bring in the weekend, I have a few random snippets to share. Welcome back, Oh Handy Listicle!
1) I had my first caffeinated beverage in at least two years this morning. (An Earl Grey from Peet’s Coffee & Tea.) I think they gave me a double bag. It has been at least four hours and my hands are STILL shaking. You can imagine how that messes up my constant texting.
2) Glow Worm has started throwing everything he can into the bath tub. It’s a regular raven’s nest (just not quite as shiny).

3) Gamera has been exhausted every day because this has been her first full week of preschool. Even though they are half days and mostly play-based, I think her little brain is tired. I have mixed feelings if she ends up falling asleep and napping. On the one hand, it is awesome because hey, one less kid to think about. On the other hand, this does make fall asleep much later. (Yesterday, she fell asleep at 6pm and slept until 6:30am this morning. It was fantastic.)
Bonus: when she does nap, she quite often falls asleep in the most astonishing positions.
4) I know I should be concerned that Hapa Papa and Cookie Monster play Halo 3 at least thirty minutes a day, but it really is so cute the time they spend cozying together on the couch shooting bad guys and aliens. (Hapa Papa briefly tried Call of Duty but found it too disturbing to shoot actual people. We have standards, people.) Plus, who doesn’t enjoy hearing their 4.75 year old discussing the merits of one or two guns or long guns with their dad?
Sigh. I am really just too lazy to get off my ass and get Cookie Monster addicted to a more appropriate video game. And seriously. He’s completely and utterly addicted. His amazing powers of negotiation are out and on full display when it comes to bargaining for more time with “Adventures.” (What we call video games.)
5) I’m having a my first ever garage sale tomorrow morning with a bunch of my friends. Thank God for the internet on how to have a multi-family garage sale. Anything we don’t sell, we donate. If you live in the area, are my friend in real life, and want more stuff at deep discount, PM me for the address.
6) As a result of my post on Wednesday, so many of my friends have reached out to me with abuse stories of their own. Thank you for trusting me with your stories and your painful pasts. I pray we all find the time and grace to treat ourselves gently. We are creating NEW stories for ourselves and our children.
Also, though I feel relief in not being alone, I am also so grieved that I have so much company. It really just goes to show you that we never truly know what is going on for another person – no matter how “put together” they are.
7) Just borrowed a book with stuffed animal knitting patterns. Super excited to try them out. Also, I am clearly delusional about how much free time I have and how I will be making use of it.
8) The older kids are now officially in preschool five days a week for a half day. Conveniently, Glow Worm naps most of that time. I should be utilizing that time on cleaning the house and blogging and writing and all sorts of vital houseworky stuff. But most likely, I will be reading novels, catching up with TV, and apparently, knitting stuffed animals.
I can’t wait.
9) I am pleased to report that even a month later, our Taiwan trip was a rousing success. Cookie Monster and Gamera now occasionally argue/fight in Mandarin. They also randomly play with each other (or have conversations with themselves) in Mandarin. WINNING!
10) Hapa Papa is awesome and has taken over breakfast duties. I can now start the day off without yelling at my kids. He is a much kinder and gentler soul.
11) There are few things as beautiful and breathtaking like the open, wide smiles of my children. They are too precious.
12) I love it when Glow Worm smirks while nursing. Sometimes, he will chuckle, too. Or he’ll brace a hand against my chest, as if he were both pushing me away and yet leaning in for support. He often kicks his fat little feet in happiness and pull on his curly, sweaty hair. I love breastfeeding.
13) I am leaving my kids for five days next week while I attend Type-A Con in Atlanta. I have never been apart from any of my children for that long. I am worried that when I come back, Glow Worm will have weaned himself. The thought of missing out on another six months of nursing breaks my heart. I won’t let it happen! More boob for you, mister!
14) I have been reading a lot this summer and I’m super excited about The Gentleman Bastard book series. There are currently three out of seven books out, and they are all totally awesome and worth it. Just think: Ocean’s Eleven type confidence men and heists set in a medieval fantasy world. Plus, the most awesome and creative usage of swears that I have ever had the pleasure of witnessing.
I was going to write a long book post including this book, but I am too lazy. But I really want people to read it and enjoy the series with me. Also, for people to endure the wait for the next book along side me. Do it. I’ve even conveniently provided Amazon affiliate links for you. Don’t say I never did anything for you. (Oh, also, they are long. And have somewhat slower setups. Be patient. They are FANTASTIC. IF anything, you will be educated in new and improved ways to swear.)
Here they are: The Lies of Locke Lamora; Red Seas Under Red Skies; and The Republic of Thieves by Scott Lynch.
All right folks. I’m off to pretend to parent and ignore my children while keeping a cursory eye on them. (In other words: read a book while Hapa Papa watches the kids.) Have a great weekend!
The Lego Star Wars and Batman games are pretty good for younger kids–there’s lots of destroying bad guys and solving puzzles.
Oooh, thanks!
Thanks, Mark! I will have to check those out!