I don’t know if it’s the residual buzz from the bottomless mimosas I had today at lunch (whoooooooooo!), but I have been pretty happy lately.
Nothing major has happened. Perhaps I am just noticing the good things a little more lately.
Whatever the reason, there is no reason to assume that will last so it’s best I get to recording this down so I don’t forget.
And thus, my post for today will be my random blatherings of things that have made me happy of late. There are worst things to post about.
1) I have been on a tear of reading some fun and good books. I would post about them right now but I am lazy and I am thinking of starting 5 Minute Book Reviews for non-Chinese books. I can’t be stealing from my future material, right?
2) As I mentioned earlier, I partook in bottomless mimosas for lunch today. It was everything that I could have hoped it to be.
I met up with a few of my high school friends and we did a fancy lunch and drank mimosas as I shoveled as many carbs as possible down my pie hole (although, sadly, I did not shove any actual pie).
I don’t know why we don’t hang out more often. Each time we meet up, it’s a good 2-4 hour gabfest. They are just awesome women.
3) Today was likely a four hour fest because I had to sober up because of said mimosas. I wasn’t drunk. But I wouldn’t say I wasn’t NOT drunk.
That last few sentences is clearly making the case that I am still a little tipsy.
4) I just cancelled the new blinds I ordered last night for my sliding glass doors. I really didn’t want to order them except that so many of our vanes were broken and it annoyed me every time I looked at them.
Thankfully, Hapa Papa told me to look for something that would save the vanes instead of buying all new blinds. I don’t know why we didn’t look into that sooner.
That’s why I cancelled the blinds. Why would I pay $400 for blinds when Sasquatch is still too young to make trouble and thus, ensuring that we have prematurely purchased a semi-nice thing only to see it go down in flames (yes, likely literal flames) in the near future.
Well, it was nice to buy a new thing for the house and think we could get away with it. (And even nicer to cancel the order because I got the high off of buying a big thing, but then not having to pay for it!)
At least I didn’t go with my original choice of vertical honeycomb shades. I stopped myself in time to remember that we can’t have nice things.
So, a mediocre non-broken thing is still good enough for me!
5) I really enjoy the tactile feel of typing. I also enjoy the clackety clack, too.
I know I have mentioned this before.
I don’t care. It makes me happy.
6) Being productive makes me happy. Whether it’s writing in things I’ve done just so I can cross them off, or doing actual work and writing, it makes me happy.
7) I have to go to Target on Wednesday in order to buy cleaning supplies for my first housecleaning appointment on Thursday! People, my bathroom is going to be clean!! (Only one likely because they will be deep cleaning and it’s revolting so they might only have time for the one.)
Oh, but back to the cleaning supplies.
Apparently, the owner of the housecleaning business thinks my house is in such a state of squalor that she believes I do not know what actual cleaning products look like. Thus, she has a sheet with PICTURES of the cleaning supplies she wants me to purchase. And she CIRCLED THEM with a RED PEN.
I die. Of shame and amusement.
I am also grateful because let’s be honest. I really don’t know what cleaning supplies to get. Pictures are helpful because it will involve even LESS reading.
8) Sasquatch is delicious. I very much enjoy.
9) This article on BuzzFeed. I woke up Sasquatch because I was laughing so hard I had tears streaming down my face.
10) I am plotting to change up the bedrooms (as in, swap guest rooms with kid rooms, buy bunk beds, turn the nursery into an office because let’s be real, Sasquatch is never going to sleep in there) and I am itching to get it done.
11) I installed a basketball hoop for the kids this weekend and they love it. That makes me nostalgic for a childhood I never had. But in my mind, playing basketball in the driveway and shooting baskets is equivalent to a happy childhood so I am super pleased.
12) I just ordered a box of gel pens. I used to like the Pentel v5 Ultra Fine Point ink pens – and I still do. But lately, I have been really loving the Pilot G2 Retractable gel pens with a 0.7mm point instead. I know. I went up 0.2mm.
I like them because I don’t have to worry about losing a cap (hey, with my kids around, YOU NEVER KNOW) and I enjoy the smoothness of the ink as well as the thickness of the line.
It seems sturdy. Like I’m declaring something.
I used to prefer a finer line, but now, I find it less satisfying.
I guess people can change. Don’t tell my past self. She would be horrified.
Alright. I am about to pass out so I should end the post here. May your Monday be full of the little things that bring you joy.
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