I’m turning 40 this year. I’m going to close out my fourth decade (and sorry folks, 40 is actually the LAST year of your 30s and NOT the…
I don’t know why I am hiding again. I thought I had turned a corner but nope. I have reverted to what I know best. A Wrinkle in…
Every now and then, when I escape to the world at large without my children, I get a brief moment of disconnect. A blurry few seconds of a…
I know I say it a lot, but it bears repeating. How is time flying by so fast? And why does it always seem as if I am…
Here’s the thing. I actually feel somewhat embarrassed admitting this, but it’s where I’m at right now. I thought it would be different. I thought it would be…
It should come as no surprise to long time readers that I am an extreme personality. There are no half-ways in my world. There is either all or nothing.…
Welp, it’s a slow day here (in my brain anyway), and since it’s been hard for me to be awake past 9pm, this is the best I can…
I love the internet. I know there is a seedy underbelly, but on the whole, I don’t venture in those parts. Instead, I worship at the altars of…
When I look back on my youth, I am always so puzzled as to why I had such a hard time asking my parents (especially my mother) for…