So, while I was in Taiwan, the world exploded. I mean, I was aware of it while it was happening – I am on the internet all day – but it seemed far off and far removed. After all, I was eating my way through Taipei.
But then I got home, finally emerged from my jetlagged haze and my house is finally in some semblance of order, and all the events just kinda hit me. Ferguson. Israel/Gaza. Ebola. ISIS. I’m sure I am missing some.
Quite frankly, it makes me want to take a cue from Gamera.
Mostly, I’ve been reading about Ferguson and quite frankly, I don’t even know what is left to say. How is it any different from how I felt about Trayvon Martin? I am angry. Sad. Hopeless. And have been mostly silent on the issue other than the occasional comment and boosting articles I think are worth reading.
I am selfishly grateful that my kids will never know firsthand the extreme prejudice that our nation has against black men. And then I am ashamed for the relief I feel for having literally dodged that bullet. I am thankful that my kids are still too young and “white enough” to not ever have a talk about the police in any terms other than that they are helpful and good and just.
I mean, seriously. How do you go about telling your beautiful, precious children that people who you are supposed to trust to protect you will see you as the enemy and shoot first then ask questions later? How do you explain to your babies that there are people who will treat them like shit just because of their color? And that you can’t even tell by looking at folks whether they will be an ally or not.
It isn’t fair.
Because how am I any different than a black mother or father? We all want our children to grow old with a bright and promising future. We all want to trust that people in authority are trustworthy and out for our good. We all want to live as dignified human beings.
I know this post is barely scratching the surface. I really don’t have anything brilliant to add. I just want lend my voice in support.
Some articles that I felt were helpful:
The Lie by Lisa Sharon Harper
The Unacceptable Silence Of Asian American Christians In Response To Ferguson by Erna Stubblefield
Becoming a White Ally to Black People in the Aftermath of the Michael Brown Murder by Janee Brown
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