My mind is totally everywhere right now and while I’m sure each individual thought is snowflake-esque and definitely brilliant material enough to generate a post of its own because I am a font of hilarity, alas, it is not to be.
And so you, Dear Reader, are forced to read only half germinated thoughts and be satisfied with being genius adjacent versus actual witnesses.
Here then is another one of my lists of random thoughts. You’re welcome.
1) I have been super cranky with the kids lately. So much so that even Hapa Papa thinks I’ve gone a bit nuts. (He particularly thinks it’s bad that I’ve stopped caring about swearing in front of the kids. My thinking is, that ship has long sailed away.)
2) I’m really enjoying my “looser” schedule for this homeschooling year. Still a lot of crap and driving – but much easier than last year and I better remember to keep all that “empty” space open. Easier to homeschool when there is actually time to do so.
3) I’m about 6 weeks out from Induction Wednesday.
I thought it was going to be Induction Tuesday. I am beyond sad that Induction Day has been pushed back an entire 24 hours.
Look. Obviously, I know that babies are better growing on the inside of my uterus. No lectures about any prenatal health, etc. This is my FOURTH kid. Keep your scintillating knowledge to yourself. I likely have read it at least a hundred million times.
I’m at that point where I really no longer wish to be pregnant.
I am constantly in a state of discomfort. (In fact, I think I’ve been uncomfortable almost every single day of this pregnancy.) And truthfully, I have had a very easy and uneventful pregnancy (as were my other three).
Obviously, super grateful for healthy babies and pregnancies and all this healthy stuff.
I look like I swallowed a basketball.
Everything hurts.
I am ALWAYS uncomfortable.
I want to be unpregnant.
4) Of course, then I remember that to be unpregnant, I will have a newly minted NEWBORN in my life again. Which, although lovely and wonderful and yay for new baby smell and potential new fat baby snarfing, OMG WHAT HAVE WE DONE WE ARE THE STUPIDEST OF HUMANS WE HAVE RUINED EVERYTHING.
I mean, um, YAY BABIES!
5) Seriously. WTF HAVE WE DONE?
6) Oh, and remember when I mentioned that my vagina constantly feels like it has something stuck in it? According to my OB/GYN, that is totally normal because my vaginal tissues are swollen and full of blood because of this pregnancy – and each pregnancy increases the swelling. So, the reason my vagina feels full? IT IS. FULL OF THE BLOODS.
You’re welcome for that fun factoid.
7) When my mom comes by and takes all three kids out to dinner and they come back fed and happy and tired and slightly wired from froyo?
8) Even better when I’m not home when they come back and Hapa Papa bathes them and puts them into bed and I come home after consuming unholy amounts of boba and beef stroganoff (I was on a mission today to get some and get some I did) and hanging out with a friend and all I have to do is look at their angelic sleeping faces.
That is the only time they are still, angelic, or silent.
9) Baby4 better be an extrovert or they’re going to have a rough go in this family. Because for realz, there is NEVER silence. They will NEVER be alone. It seems cruel to bring an introvert into the house.
10) Speaking of boba, I was at my local boba place and clearly, I wandered back in time to when every single asshole Asian dude I remember hating in college was in the parking lot showing off their shitty sports cars.
Sorry. Just because your Kia Rio has fancy lights on the outside does not make it cool. Or hot. Or sexy. It makes you sad.
11) That said, I suppose it’s rude to judge people by their outward appearances. And prejudiced. And really, why can’t I let them live? Who cares if they like to show off sub-par cars or the cars their parents bought them? What’s it to me?
Nothing. Nothing at all.
But I still judge. Because FFS.
12) I take an inordinate amount of pleasure in denying people membership to Facebook groups when they do not follow the very simple and specific directions I post as an admin.
I’m sure I’ve mentioned this before.
It bears repeating.
I know. I’m petty. No one is surprised.
13) I’ve been MIA from blogging because I have been busy working on my ebook that I want to get out before Baby4 shows up (at which point, everything will grind to a halt). I’m at the 90% point but definitely at the point where all the low hanging fruit has been picked and everything left is either hard or tedious.
14) Ok. Maybe not die.
15) When I start online shopping, I shop like I’m trying to win an award or something for most things purchased in short order and without much consideration.
I really should stop doing that.
16) My awesome Black & Decker handheld vacuum that I got for $25 years and years ago died today. I felt my soul cry. Then I had a soul cry that I had a soul cry about it.
17) What’s that you say? Just replace it?
I am. But it is no longer $25. It is considerably more.
This just compounds the soul cry.
18) Ever since I’ve cut down on my kids’ screen time, they play together a lot more and play with our toys a lot more. I know it’s obvious but why do I always forget?
19) I am always thirsty.
20) Corollary: I am always peeing.
21) According to Hapa Papa, Glow Worm has seen lots of zombie related videos because he is often pretending to be a zombie. He also pretends to EAT YOUR INTESTINES.
Glow Worm is three.
We win at parenting.
22) When I was showering with Gamera the other day, she pointed to my nipples and asked why they were like the nipples on the goats they milked the other day. She said mine were the same color just not as long.
I blathered something about mammals and milk.
I tried not to laugh and despair simultaneously.
23) Then, Glow Worm decided he wanted milk from my breasts. I thought he would nurse so I said, go ahead. He said he was scared. I told him there was nothing to be scared about.
He came to me and squeezed really hard on my breast. Then, he said, “Not working!” when no milk came out.
He nursed for over 2.5 years and clearly has no memory whatsoever of the experience.
Apparently mammary glands (mine, specifically) were the educational topic of the day. Homeschooling WIN.
24) I really want to see every Daniel Wu movie ever made because he is so hot and even more so now that he is in his 40s.
Oh, who am I kidding? I rarely watch films because I am so lazy. (You have to be a special type of lazy to be too lazy to WATCH a MOVIE.)
I will just stare at pics of him on the internetz instead.
25) I currently sound like a person who smokes two packs a day. I’ve been fighting a sore throat on and off for about a week. Nothing terrible and the essential oils have been helping. But I still sound like Selma on The Simpsons.
26) I always have the most fun with these types of posts because I indulge in pretty much every non sequitur comment that passes through my brain because I find it funny.
Yeah, I said it. I’m my own biggest fan.
Alright. I think I have burbled on enough and will let you lovely people carry on with your Mondays. Have a great day.
1 Comment
OK, now that I’m done laughing, I’m gonna tell you to get that book finished, or else! Or else what? Not sure, but I’ll bet you could fill in the blank. 😀